How to lead with the brain in mind
The Neuroscience of leadership empowers individuals to be brain smart in their leadership, through greater awareness of how the brain responds to distractions, feedback, change and human interactions. This is done by equipping leaders with greater personal resilience, and giving them the tools they need to work in smarter ways, allowing them to lead themselves and others more effectively.
The course covers how to avoid common pitfalls in leadership approaches, and develop vital abilities, such as:
Making better decisions through understanding the limitations of our brain and how to ensure they use and prioritise the scarce cognitive resources in the most effective way. Smarter decisions allow for smarter prioritising and compromising based on both understanding and maximising the available resources, allowing leaders to cope with increasingly high work volumes, tight and competing deadlines and multiple pressures.
Remaining calm under pressure through insights into how our usual response to negative emotions has the opposite effect to that sought which makes us less effective in managing them. Strategies on how to improve this and equip leaders to both lead themselves and others in gaining greater emotional control will be discussed.
Lead and collaborate effectively by becoming more aware of the intense social nature of our brain and the vital needs that this results in for self and others. The resulting importance of connecting on a human level in order to create better collaborations will be discussed, along with strategies on how to achieve this.
The course helps individuals to develop insights, strategies and self awareness which equips them to not only reduce the risk of stress-related problems for themselves, as well as for those that report to them.
Bespoke leadership course, aimed at existing or aspiring leaders.
In today’s changing world, individuals, teams and organisations are constantly facing new challenges and opportunities. This course focuses on individual leadership skills and personal development, offering the tools and insights required for leaders to drive this forward successfully. It is a practical course and offers an understanding of what leadership is and invaluable insights into the different tools required in great leadership. These include conflict management, giving and receiving feedback as well as motivating and engaging teams through coaching and positive leadership skills. The course also enables the participants to develop their own personal leadership that makes them stronger and more secure in their leadership roles. Their understanding and self awareness increases around what is limiting them and what they can do to address challenges and move forward positively. With self awareness, increased empathy and greater confidence, participants take their leadership to the next level. It is a practical course using models, theories and exercises that bring out participants’ true leadership potential.
Personal Effectiveness
A bespoke course with a mixture of presentations, exercises, group discussions and individual reflections.
The course includes concrete methods and techniques on how to become more effective through both practical tools and through self awareness and insights into how to prioritise, be organised and feel in better control of a high workload, often with competing demands.
Examples of content include:
Empowerment including:
A positive mindset
Increase self-awareness
Taking responsibility
Time Management including:
Awareness of time thieves
Organisation techniques
Stress management:
The pillars of stress resilience
The importance of perspective
Mindfulness & breathing techniques
Stress Management
The course is based on cutting edge science, allowing participants to develop “mindsight” which is all about maximising our brains capacity to perform and feel well in pressured environments.
The audience explores theories and tools that allow them to organise themselves better, prioritise more effectively, recognise how they can use their time more efficiently and gain insights into how to develop a healthy perspective and a greater sense of balance and control.
Findings from neuroscience will be revealed, which allow for greater insights into what the brain needs to balance stress, to stay healthy and efficient. Based on these, effective tools are shared for brain-smart ways, allowing for more productivity, resilience and balance.
The course is practical and combines presentations, exercises, group discussions and individual reflections.
Communication and Customer Service
The course alternates lectures with group discussions, exercises and individual reflections.
It allows participants to learn about and reflect upon the importance of customer service. The vital importance of communication skills is covered including the effects of your nonverbal communication, as well as listening and asking questions.
Participants develop self awareness around what challenges them and what they want to achieve in their communication and customer care. They will have the opportunity to explore how their own state of mind impacts on how they respond to the customer, including how they can create more positive states through scientifically researched thinking techniques.
Difficult situations with customers will be explored, along with the different conflict styles including participants own experiences of these styles’ effectiveness in different situations. Skilled handling of customer and complaints - is an important part of this also.
The course leaves participants better equipped to meet customers with a clear- -focus on the customer’s needs, to prevent complaints, frustrations and difficult situations through increased awareness and to deal with challenges and turn them into opportunities.
Other Bespoke Courses
I deliver a range of other bespoke courses including Team Development & Team work, Conflict Management, Communication Skills, Presentation Skills and Rhetoric. If you have a development need in your organisation, do get in touch to discuss how my services might help.
“ In September I decided that it was time to get the job that I wanted but was so full of fear and low self-esteem. For the hour that I attended your seminar, about 90% of that fear evaporated. Spending an hour with you was clearly a turning point in my career!”
Shurron, London