How to lead with the brain in mind
The Neuroscience of leadership empowers individuals to be brain smart in their leadership, through greater awareness of how the brain responds to distractions, feedback, change and human interactions. This is done by equipping leaders with greater personal resilience, and giving them the tools they need to work in smarter ways, allowing them to lead themselves and others more effectively.
The course covers how to avoid common pitfalls in leadership approaches, and develop vital abilities, such as:
Making better decisions through understanding the limitations of our brain and how to ensure they use and prioritise the scarce cognitive resources in the most effective way. Smarter decisions allow for smarter prioritising and compromising based on both understanding and maximising the available resources, allowing leaders to cope with increasingly high work volumes, tight and competing deadlines and multiple pressures.
Remaining calm under pressure through insights into how our usual response to negative emotions has the opposite effect to that sought which makes us less effective in managing them. Strategies on how to improve this and equip leaders to both lead themselves and others in gaining greater emotional control will be discussed.
Lead and collaborate effectively by becoming more aware of the intense social nature of our brain and the vital needs that this results in for self and others. The resulting importance of connecting on a human level in order to create better collaborations will be discussed, along with strategies on how to achieve this.
The course helps individuals to develop insights, strategies and self awareness which equips them to not only reduce the risk of stress-related problems for themselves, as well as for those that report to them.
“Charlotta listens, observes and delivers with a great presence, warmth and professionalism. It’s a pleasure to work with Charlotta to achieve great results.”
Anna-Klara Larsson, Founder Mindworkout